Attracting talent to Not for profit organisations

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, a company’s success is intricately tied to the performance of its employees. It’s a simple premise: when employees excel in their roles, organisations thrive. However, this link between individual performance and organisational success isn’t just anecdotal. Research and statistical evidence support this connection. Let’s delve deeper.

The Direct, Measurable Impact of Employee Performance

Profitability: The most direct and tangible metric that indicates the health of an organisation is its profitability. High employee performance often directly correlates with better financial results. Engaged employees, as reported by Gallup, boost profitability by 21%. These employees take fewer sick days, make fewer errors, and are generally more productive.

Customer Satisfaction: In the era of customer-centric businesses, employees serve as the frontline ambassadors for brands. Their performance and attitude can make or break a customer’s loyalty. The link between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction is robust, with the Harvard Business Review underscoring the importance of this relationship.

Lower Turnover and Recruitment Costs: High turnover isn’t just an HR statistic; it’s a significant drain on resources. Every employee that leaves and needs replacement incurs recruitment, training, and onboarding costs, not to mention the indirect costs like loss of institutional knowledge and potential disruption in team dynamics.

The Cascading Benefits: Beyond the Numbers

Brand and Reputation: Today’s employees don’t just work for a paycheque. They want to be part of something bigger – a mission or a vision. When they believe in the company’s ethos and are engaged in their roles, they become active brand ambassadors. Their endorsement, whether in casual conversations or on social media platforms, can significantly boost an organisation’s reputation.

Innovation: Beyond day-to-day tasks, engaged employees often think about the bigger picture. Their propensity for innovation can lead to ground breaking ideas, process improvements, or even entirely new product lines that can redefine market dynamics.

Collaboration and Synergy: The modern workplace is built on collaboration. High-performing employees often set the bar high, inspiring their peers to match their energy and commitment. This collective upliftment can lead to synergies where the combined team output is greater than the sum of individual contributions.

Factors Influencing Employee Performance

Understanding the triggers and drivers of employee performance can offer organisations a roadmap to optimise this vital resource.

Work Environment: A conducive work environment is foundational. This includes physical factors like ergonomic workspaces, tools, and technologies, as well as intangible factors like a positive organisational culture, respectful interpersonal dynamics, and a sense of safety and inclusion.

Training and Continuous Learning: As industries evolve, the skills required to remain relevant also change. Offering employees avenues for continuous learning and professional development is no longer a perk but a necessity.

Leadership and Management: The role of leadership in influencing employee performance cannot be overstated. Leaders who are accessible, communicative, and lead by example can inspire employees to give their best. Effective management practices, which involve clear communication of expectations, regular feedback, and recognition, are also crucial.

Wellness and Mental Health: Recent years have witnessed a surge in awareness about the importance of mental health. Employee wellness programs, counselling services, and creating a culture where employees feel comfortable discussing their challenges can have profound effects on overall performance.

Flexibility: The traditional 9-to-5 model is increasingly being challenged. Flexibility, in terms of work hours and remote work options, can lead to improved work-life balance and, consequently, better performance.

Strategies to Enhance Employee Performance

While understanding the factors influencing performance is essential, translating this knowledge into actionable strategies is where the real transformation happens.

Personalised Training Programs: Generic training modules might not cater to individual needs. Personalised training, which considers an employee’s current skill set, aspirations, and the organisation’s future needs, can be more effective.

Mentorship and Peer Learning: Encouraging a culture of mentorship can facilitate knowledge transfer and boost confidence. Peer learning sessions, where employees teach and learn from each other, can also be invaluable.

Open Feedback Mechanisms: Feedback shouldn’t just be a once-a-year activity. Establishing open feedback mechanisms, where employees can seek and receive feedback regularly, can lead to continuous improvement.

Investment in Well-being: This goes beyond health insurance. Regular health check-ups, mental health sessions, team-building activities, and even things like providing healthy snacks in the office can make a difference.

Recognising and Rewarding High Performance: Reward mechanisms, both monetary and non-monetary, can serve as significant motivators. Recognition, in particular, can boost morale and motivate employees to maintain or elevate their performance levels.


In the intricate mosaic of factors that drive organisational success, the performance of individual employees stands out as a cornerstone. By understanding, nurturing, and optimising this performance, organisations can not only achieve short-term goals but also lay the foundation for sustainable, long-term success. The future of work is undeniably human-centric, and organisations that recognise and act upon this truth will undoubtedly emerge as leaders in their domains.

Contact PeopleStart to discuss how we can help enhance your employees performance