As 2018 draws to a close it’s a good time to reflect on what we need to do to improve performance in the coming year.  

Focusing on your people is the key to unlocking enhanced performance. Motivating your team, reducing employee turnover, building a high-performing culture and aligning your people with the organisation’s goals are critical for ensuring organisational success.  

Three ways you can take your people to the next level include: 

1. Implement a performance management program 

  • This should involve a review of your HR foundations and structures to ensure you have clear roles and responsibilities outlined for your staff.  
  • Set SMART goals for employees that align with your organisational goals.
    S – Specific
    M – Measurable
    A – Agreed upon
    R – Realistic
    T – Time-based 
  • Ensure you provide regular feedback or set up regular touch points so you can let employees know how they are tracking. 

 See our range of performance management templates in our HR Shop. 

2. Develop the skills and capabilities of your leadership group

Consider implementing ongoing training and professional development programs to upskill your leaders on key management areas like: 

  • Building and managing high performing teams 
  • Managing for employee engagement 
  • Navigating difficult conversations 

Learn about the leadership workshops and training options we offer.

3.Concentrate on workplace culture
Happier employees make for a more stable and high performing business. Create meaningful values for the organisation. If you’ve already done this, implement a plan to help your team live your values.

Read this blog post for ideas on how to achieve this.  

If you’d like help to improve your team’s performance in 2019 please reach out to the friendly team at PeopleStart for some valuable advice on how you can get started.